Our Kind of Town? Big Data and the Visualisation of the Global City
James Cheshire
Maps have never been more popular or more important. They have become a window into the world of “Big Data” that captures our lives in ever greater detail. This talk will show the ways that cartography is changing and how it must change to keep up with the latest technological developments. It will make the point that not all maps need to be serious cartographic marvels to have an impact on how we see the world, but it will also emphasise the power of responsible maps and map making to make a real difference.
James Cheshire is a Professor of Geographic Information and Cartography at University College London. He is co-author of two multi-award winning books: the best-selling London: The Information Capital and Where the Animals Go. In 2017 he received the Royal Geographical Society’s Cuthbert Peek Award for “advancing geographical knowledge through the use of mappable Big Data” and in 2018 alongside Oliver Uberti was awarded the North American Cartographic Information Society's Corlis Benefideo Award for Imaginative Cartography.
The Darwin Theatre UCL Gower Street WC1E 6BT - see map here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/maps/darwin-lt
Wednesday October 9th 6-8pm
Tickets £10.00 and £5.00 concessions Booking : https://tinyurl.com/y3yue3tl